How Men Can Be Effective Workplace Mentors for Women
The reality in the workplace is that men still hold the reins of power. While hiring more women into organizations is an important first step in diversifying businesses, nurturing their professional development is paramount.
EmployDiversityNetwork’s (EDN) article How Men Can Be Effective Workplace Mentors for Women provides four tips on how men can facilitate the career development of female colleagues:
Be aware of biases.
Understand different leadership styles.
Be generous with influence and connections.
Don’t confuse attention and affection.
EDN also offers advice about “What to do when your dream job isn't what you expected.” We’ve all been there, the long job search, the grueling interview process, the anticipation, and anxiety. Sometimes, though, reality doesn’t match expectations, leading to disappointment. The article provides tips on how to get reoriented and move forward in your career development.
And check out “How to Deal with Microagressions at Work,” a topic that is trending strongly on Google. It’s also one of our most popular articles. Learn how to deal with others who use passive-aggressive words and actions to belittle you or other staff.
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Sincerely yours,
Raul Ray
Founder and CEO