Strategies for Preventing Bias in the Hiring Process
Racism, ageism, and sexism can play a big role in candidate selection. These are all examples of unconscious biases that make the hiring process unfair. When hiring decisions are made in favour of certain people or groups, it can negatively impact a company’s diversity, culture, and retention.
Read about strategies you can use to reduce unconscious biases and level the playing field for all job applicants in EmployDiversity’s blog “Strategies for Preventing Bias in the Hiring Process .”
EmployDiversity is also excited to publish Part 2 of Simma Lieberman’s article about how Diversity is an ecosystem with many parts that are aligned and driven by the need to create and sustain the best workplace. Read the article here: “Leading and Sustaining Your Inclusion Eco-system: Part 2”
And consider sharing with young job applicants our article, “Job Searching for New Grads: Put Your Profiles to Work.” The piece offers advice advice on how digital natives can leverage their social media lives to find jobs that suit them.
And watch the webinar, “Culture Add: How to Foster Diversity & Inclusion in Your Hiring” by Glassdoor. The session provides an excellent road map for fostering diversity and inclusion in your hiring practices.
Check out our price list here for low cost job postings. And post new job openings on this page.
Follow us on our Twitter Feed (@EmployDiversity), and on our LinkedIn Company page.
Sincerely yours,
Raul Ray
Founder and CEO