How Women Break Barriers in Tech

"How Women Break Barriers in Tech," then, is just one of those resources free to download at, and intended to aid women as they make their way through a male-dominated and sometimes unforgiving field.

In this e-Guide, readers will find three sections: Taking a Hammer to the Glass Ceiling; How to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace; How to Deal with Unconscious Gender Bias.

Taking a Hammer discusses the kinds of commitments and perhaps sacrifices they may have to make to succeed in Tech, and some approaches to overcoming the obstacles. The Sexual Harassment section attempts to affirm and reinforce the point that — despite what the male majority in the sector may say — women have every right legally and morally to vocalize any harm that may have come to them through workplace interactions. And Unconscious Gender Bias pushes back on the notion that people in power have little responsibility for their actions, no matter how rude, offensive, or off-putting.

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