What Women Can Do to Get Equal Pay

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By EmployDiversity

With so much attention paid to gender pay inequality in recent years, many may assume that the pay gap is closing. However, a recent lawsuit filed by the U.S. Senior Women’s Soccer Team shows that the issue of gender discrimination and compensation is far from over. The lawsuit claims that the men’s team receives millions more in bonuses even though the women’s team is much more successful both in viewership and in competition standings. The battle for equal pay is something that many women will face in their careers. If you feel that you’re not being fairly compensated for your work, there are a few things you can do to address it:

1. Make Your Case

Before you approach your boss, it’s important to do your research and understand what your compensation should be based on industry standards and your location. You can speak with a professional recruiter or review online salary scales to get a better understanding of what someone in your role is normally paid. Providing examples of your excellent job performance, training you’ve taken, unique achievements, or your role as a mentor to colleagues, can also help build your case for a salary increase.

2. Schedule The Meeting

It’s important to consider the timing of your salary negotiation. If you’ve been in your role for less than a year, you haven’t had a chance to establish a strong track record and build your case for a salary adjustment. You should also consider the timing of the company’s fiscal year. Ideally, you’ll want to schedule your salary negotiation a few months before the start of the year so that your manager has more flexibility in the budget. If you’ve just achieved a huge goal or milestone, that can also be a good time to ask for a salary review. 

3. Keep An Open Mind

Your manager’s hands may be tied due to salary bands or fiscal cutbacks. In this case, you can consider what other parts of the compensation package are valuable to you. If you’re not able to receive more money, maybe flexible working hours, a performance-based bonus, or paid-time-off could be just as valuable.

4. Follow-Up

If your manager agreed to a pay bump or other additional compensation, make sure to follow-up with a conversation or email to thank them. An email sent directly after the final agreement is a great way to reiterate what was agreed to and get it in writing. You should also be sure to mention your excitement about your role and that you look forward to continuing to bring value to the company. 

Even if you have thoroughly prepared for your salary negotiation, you may not get what you were hoping for. It may be that the company cannot afford to pay you more, and that can be really demotivating. Getting a new job can be an effective way to get a salary increase. Since you know what you’re worth, you can go into salary negotiations confident and prepared.