Posts tagged Women's History Month
12 Women Disrupting History

These are special times. Women are making inroads into business, sports, politics, computer science, medicine, and more. At this rate, the 21st-century in the United States is shaping up to be radically different politically, economically, and militarily than previous centuries.

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Use Social Media to Celebrate Women’s History Month

Despite all media attention being drawn away to the Coronavirus, there’s still an important matter to celebrate: Women’s History Month During at least March, government authorities have declared most places where people gather closed. However, social media affords us ways to say thank you to the women with whom we work or live or have lived with in the past.

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How Women Can Manage the Impostor Syndrome

Many highly successful women battle with self-doubt. They secretly think that their success is due to luck, that they’re not qualified for the positions they hold, or that they’re failing at their job. These beliefs are unfounded and inaccurate and are symptoms of imposter syndrome.

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